What We Stand For

Mission Statement

We exist to reach the unbelievers, nurture the believers and care for the needy through evangelism, discipline and provision of health, educational and relief services to promote the quality of life of our people, spiritually and physically, thereby contributing to the developmental agenda of Ghana and beyond.

Statement of Faith

(a). We believe in the Holy Scriptures consisting of the sixty-six books of the Old Testament and New Testament. It is the only divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy and final word of God, sufficient for salvation and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

Vision Statement

We are a mission-oriented community providing Christ-centered social services.

Our Core Values

We are committed to a life of holiness, reverence for God, prayer, sacrifice, timeconsciousness self-control, hard work and empathy.

About Us

Message From GO

Rev. K. K. Maxwell

Welcome to The Evangelical Church of Ghana. We are a mission-oriented community providing Christ-centered social services. We love our family! We are incredibly blessed and honored to serve in this dispensation of God's grace and we are excited to be part of what God is doing here in Ghana and around the globe.

We are passionate about helping people experience a deeper revelation of God in their lives, grow in Biblical truths, develop a stronger relationship with Jesus, strengthen families and marriages, and spread the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We invite you to join us as we follow after the heart and will of God, expand as a community, fulfill God’s calling for us, and share the love of Jesus with everyone we encounter and in every aspect of our immediate society and the world as a whole.

And a special note of thanks to the General Executive and all Pastors and Leaders of the Evangelical Church of Ghana for having a big heart to release and grow with as we travel and minister and partner with other pastors, churches, and organizations around the world.

God bless you.
Rev. K. K. Maxwell General Overseer Evangelical Church of Ghana

Responsibilities & Privileges As a Member


Know Your Responsibilities
  • A member should attend the meetings of the Local Church faithfully (Heb.l0:25).
  • Give his/her tithes and offerings regularly to the Local Church for the work of the Lord (Mal.3:8-10; lCor.l6:l-2). Should obtain a tithe records card. iii. He/she should make an earnest attempt to learn to read the Word of God (2Tim. 2:15; 2Tim.3:16).
  • He/she should put God first in family and business life and be separated from worldly and evil practices, habits and customs (Matt.6: 33; 8:18-22; Lk.14:26-27; Rom.12: 1-2; 2Cor.5:17; 6:14; James 4: 4. IJohn2:l6.17).
  • He/she should seek to be an effective witness, winning others to Christ (Matt.28: 18-20; Acts 1:8).
  • Should belong to at least one of the Para-church groups in the church.
  • Should show loyalty and commitment to the church at all levels of church life and engagement.


Know Your Privileges

  • A member may partake of the Lord’s Supper.
  • He/she may attend members’ meetings, sharing in decisions affecting the life and work of the Church.
  • He/she may be eligible for election to leadership positions in the Church.
  • He/she is entitled to obtain an ECO membership card.
  •  He/she may be asked to represent the Church at some functions.
  • He/she may have his/her marriage blessed in the Church.
  • The Church will be involved in his/her burial and funeral.
  • He/she may have his/her child dedicated in the church.
  • He/she will benefit from pastoral visits and counseling.

Associate Membership

Who is an Associate Member?

  • Associate members arc those who are only temporarily resident in the locality and hold membership in another denomination, yet meet the requirements for membership in ECG. 
  • They will exercise the duties and receive the privileges of full membership. 
  • These conditions apply only for the duration of their stay. 
  • They will however not have voting rights and cannot be appointed to leadership positions.